Our Process

Step 1: Consultation

At the Consultation our design/installer will gather your preferences, clarify any product related questions you may have (please read through our FAQ's document prior to the Consultation), and then work up a plan view (“top down”) sketch that shows the proposed placement of sail shades, poles, lights, etc. and key installation details. The back of the sketch will have pricing and estimate details. This all takes between 30 minutes and an hour typically. We realize your time is valuable so we try hard to be quick and efficient onsite.

Step 2a: Standard Install

If you move ahead with Standard Install (using "Standard" sail shades, which are our in-stock assortment of commercial-grade sail shades) you will receive an email with the first available date for install. You will be asked to confirm your Standard Install selections/options. Once confirmed on the calendar - a project authorization will be sent via email for your e-signature. The invoice will be sent the day before install with payment due at project completion. You are welcome to pay by cash or check (please provide cash/check payment to our Installer), or debit/credit card (payment online - please see your email for link).

Step 2b: Custom Install

If you move ahead with Custom Install (using "Custom" sail shades, which are custom designed and built commercial-grade sail shades) you will receive an email with the first available date for install. For Custom Install there will be a Phase 1 scheduled time to come out and install pole(s) and custom measure for the shade(s). We will then send in the custom order for the shade(s) to our customer sail shade manufacturer. Next we will assign a final install date. Once confirmed on the calendar a project authorization will be sent via email for your e-signature. A deposit invoice will be sent for the 50% deposit due on the Phase 1 scheduled install date. The final invoice will be sent the day before Phase 2 (final install) with payment due at project completion. You are welcome to pay by cash or check (please provide cash/check payment to our Installer), or debit/credit card (payment online - please see your email for link).

Step 3: Free Tune-Up

After final install you are entitled to a free tune-up/tightening within six months following final install. You can request the free tune-up/tightening by reaching out to us.

After Installation:

We provide Shade Removal Service (available November-December), Shade Re-Install Service (available March-May), and Shade Tune-Up Service. You can request Shade Services by reaching out to us.

We look forward to working with you!